Preston Brook Parish Council
Serving the community since 1894.
Preston Brook Parish Council can only spend, raise or use money if it has a statutory power to do so. It has a wide range of powers under different Acts of Parliament, most of which are discretionary. The exercise of these powers may depend on other bodies, for example, the owner of land or another public body such as the Highways Authority.
Preston Brook Parish Council raises money through grants, donations, fundraising activities and by levying a precept (a mandatory demand) on Halton Borough Council. The precept required is then collected by the Borough Council as part of the Council Tax.
Preston Brook Parish Council prepares a budget by the end of January each year for the ensuing financial year which runs from 1 April to 31 March.
Every payment made by the Council is approved by the corporate body and finance reports are presented to the Council throughout the year by the Responsible Financial Officer. Council accounts are available for scrutiny by any resident by appointment with the Proper Officer.
The Council is required to complete an Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) which includes the findings of the Internal Auditor, together with Governance Statements and Financial Statements. The AGAR is then submitted to the independent external auditor for examination. This documentation is made available at the end of each financial year.
The Council's Responsible Financial Officer is Luke Trevaskis - a CiLCA qualified officer with fifteen years' experience in local government.
FY2425 Budget and Precept Report
Month 1 (April 2024) - I&E Accounts / Bank Reconciliation
Month 2 (May 2024) - I&E Accounts / Bank Reconciliation
Month 3 (June 2024) - I&E Accounts / Bank Reconciliation
FY2425 List of Expenditure Exceeding £500 - Q1
FY2324 Budget and Precept Report
Month 1 (April 2023) - I&E Accounts / Bank Reconciliation
Month 2 (May 2023) - I&E Accounts / Bank Reconciliation
Month 3 (June 2023) - I&E Accounts / Bank Reconciliation
Month 4 (July 2023) - I&E Accounts / Bank Reconciliation
Month 5 (August 2023) - I&E Accounts / Bank Reconciliation
Month 6 (September 2023) - I&E Accounts / Bank Reconciliation
Month 7 (October 2023) - I&E Accounts / Bank Reconciliation
Month 8 (November 2023) - I&E Accounts / Bank Reconciliation
Month 9 (December 2023) - I&E Accounts / Bank Reconciliation
Month 10 (January 2024) - I&E Accounts / Bank Reconciliation
Month 11 (February 2024) - I&E Accounts / Bank Reconciliation
Month 12 (March 2024) - I&E Accounts / Bank Reconciliation
FY2324 - List of Expenditure Exceeding £500
FY2324 Section 1 (Governance) AGAR
FY2324 Section 2 (Accounting Statements) AGAR
FY2324 Notice of Public Rights
FY2223 Budget and Precept Report
Quarter 2 - I&E Accounts / Bank Reconciliation
Quarter 3 - I&E Accounts / Bank Reconciliation
Quarter 4 - I&E Accounts / Bank Reconciliation / Payments above £100​​
FY2223 EOY Bank Reconciliation
FY2223 Section 1 (Governance) AGAR
FY2223 Section 2 (Accounting Statements) AGAR
FY2223 Notice of Public Rights
FY2223 Certificate of Exemption
Annual Governance and Accountability Return